Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: Juy 1st, 2007
Status: Complete
Editing: Please feel free to edit constructively!


Greater Deity
Symbol: A mask with two crescent moons forming butterfly wings
Home Plane: Decus
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: The Moon, Law, Peace, Intelligence
Clergy Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral
Domains: Good, Law, Water, Knowledge, Creation, Artifice, Healing, Protection, Community, Nobility
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff & Spear

A tall and kind looking pangoloid woman with a wolf's mask, whose furry mane extends down as 'hair'. She is dressed in kimono-like robes and is very peaceful, usually only seen with her staff. She stands in direct opposition to Ixtab's madness.

Her animal form is a giant wolf with fur forming wings. It is said to hunt down injustice wherever it goes.


Summary::A calm goddess dedicated to law and peace, she uses honor and law to keep people safe and happy. She is also a goddess of mercy, a concept usually built into the laws themselves, but grants no forgiveness to those who are not truly seeking it. She promotes rational thought and sciences.

Clergy and Temples[]

The patron god of paladins and nobility, order and fairness are the key ideals. Those under her tend to be outgoing and preachy, but never attempt to start a fight except in the face of evil and injustice.

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