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Dragon, Red[]

Though most evil dragons don’t enjoy friendly relationships with humanoids, red dragons do occasionally spawn bloodlines among humanoids. Such descendants exhibit extraordinary powers beyond those of their people. A character with a red dragon bloodline is usually covetous and vain, and may smell faintly of smoke.

Red Dragon Bloodline Traits
Minor Intermediate Major
1st +2 on Bluff checks
2nd +2 on Bluff checks Alertness
3rd Strength +1
4th +2 on Bluff checks Alertness Resistance to fire 5 (Ex)
5th Red dragon affinity +21
6th Strength +1 +1 to natural armor
7th +2 on Intimidate checks
8th Alertness Resistance to fire 5 (Ex) Resistance to fire 10 (Ex)
9th Constitution +1
10th Red dragon affinity +21 Locate object 1/day (Sp)
11th Red dragon affinity +41
12th Strength +1 +1 to natural armor +1 to natural armor
13th +2 on Appraise checks
14th +2 on Intimidate checks Power Attack
15th Charisma +1
16th Resistance to fire 5 (Ex) Resistance to fire 10 (Ex) Breath weapon (Ex)2
17th Red dragon affinity +61
18th Constitution +1 +1 to natural armor
19th +2 on Jump checks
20th Red dragon affinity +21 Locate object 1/day (Sp) Immunity to fire (Ex)
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with red dragons.
  2. 30-ft. cone of fire; 6d8 damage; Reflex half (DC 10 + one-half HD + Con modifier).

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