Dungeons and Dragons Wiki

There probably isn't much more to do with this besides put up a preload or whatever, but even that might be stretching it given the wide variety of things that go into campaign settings. A set of instructions to get it to show here might be good though.

Any other properties people want their campaign settings searchable by? - TarkisFlux 06:56, October 10, 2009 (UTC)

Valentine the Rogue made a pretty great preload that we should move here. Surgo 13:22, October 10, 2009 (UTC)
Yes, we definitely need a preload, I'm still trying to link my campaign setting here. Can anybody tell me how to do that?--ThirdEmperor 22:33, October 11, 2009 (UTC)
Sure. Just make sure that it's in the 3.5e, User, and Campaign Setting categories, and it will show up here in a day or two. - TarkisFlux 23:53, October 11, 2009 (UTC)
I've got the small preload from the 4e pages over here, but it's more serviceable than fantastic. Do you know where the preload Valentine made is Surgo? - TarkisFlux 23:07, November 3, 2009 (UTC)