Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
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A great source for 3rd Edition D&D content!

Also a solid source for information about the awesome 1983 Dungeons & Dragons cartoon, the LJN D&D toyline, and related media and merchandise.

With the release of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves in 2023, Dungeons & Dragons (the cartoon) has come back in a big way. Hasbro has licensed out the cartoon characters for toys, comics, video games and more.

Even more, with the tons of major recent releases, TSR/WotC/Hasbro has been putting these cartoon/LJN characters front and center, including the covers of the new 2024 Players Manual and Dungeon Masters Manual.

10,534 articles! - 105,030 edits! - 4,609 files! - 7 users!

The Dungeons and Dragons Wiki was a community of users that loved Dungeons & Dragons and, in particular, creating and using homebrew. They managed to build a wiki with over 10k pages. Incredible work. 3rd Edition stuff. And so with 5th Edition apparently that all fell off.

So now like the Stargate Atlantis team living in the City of the Ancients, or the Fellowship of the Ring traveling through ancient ruins, the focus of the new content on this wiki is the 1983 Dungeons & Dragons animated series, and related media and merchandise, and similar D&D media/merch from the era.

The existing 10k pages of wiki content will continue to exist. Enjoy it if that's your bag.

This wiki could use more active contributors! If you need any help with your participation, please contact the wiki manager.

Images on this Wikia

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Hank Bobby Diana Presto new Players Manual Artwork

Hank, Bobby, Diana, Presto, Uni, Owlbear
