Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 11th October 2008
Status: Complete
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Knight of the Spider Queen [Spider Rider][]

You are a master of spider-mounted combat, easily the equal (or superior) of any horseman.

Tier: Heroic

Prerequisite: Spider Rider

Benefit: You remain mounted when your spider is on a wall or ceiling. When you charge, while you are mounted on your spider, your spider gains a +2 bonus to a single damage roll of your choice made as part of the charge.

Normal: You automatically fall out of your saddle if you are riding your spider and she is climbing on a wall or ceiling.

Back to Main Page4e HomebrewCharacter OptionsFeatsClass Feats.
Back to Main Page4e HomebrewCharacter OptionsFeatsHeroic Feats.
Back to Main Page4e HomebrewSourcebooksArachonomicon; the Book of SpiderkindFeats.
