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Created By
Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 30th December 2008
Status: Complete
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Jumping Spider[]

Jumping spiders are expert hunters, using stealth to sneak up on their prey and pouncing on their prey at the ideal opportunity. Though jumping spiders are among the smallest monstrous spiders, they are among the most deadly, being some of the most agile of spiders. Like all monstrous spiders, jumping spiders can be found in almost any environment.

Salticid Youngling
Level 3 Skirmisher
Large Spiderkind Beast (Spider, Salticid)
XP 150
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +8, Tremorsense 6
HP 154; Bloodied 77
AC 30; Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 25
Resist 5 poison
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
BasicMelee Bite (Standard; at-will) ♦ Poison
+8 vs. AC; 1d10 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
BasicMelee Deadly Bite (Standard; encounter) ♦ Poison
+8 vs. AC; 2d10 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Salticidae Aspect
The salticid youngling gains a +2 bonus to your speed when it jumps. This does not increase the distance it jumps, just the maximum distance it can jump.
Prodigious Leap
The salticid youngling can make all long jumps as if it had a running start.
Mighty Leap
The salticid youngling can jump 1 square further than its check result indicates.
Death Leaper
when the salticid youngling makes a charge action, it can long jump instead of moving normally (with the same restrictions as a normal charge move, except that the move must be in a strait line, even if a feat, power or ability says otherwise).
Deadly Charge
When the salticid youngling charges, it gains a +1d6 bonus to damage rolls. If it charges using its death leaper feat, it knocks the target prone.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric
Skills Athletics +8 (+30 when jumping), Stealth +9
Feats Saltacidae Aspect, Prodigeous Leap, Mighty Leap, Death Leaper.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 11 (+1) Int 5 (-2) Cha 8 (+0)

Salticid Adult
Level 7 Skirmisher
Large Spiderkind Beast (Spider, Salticid)
XP 300
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +11, Tremorsense 6
HP 77; Bloodied 38
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 18
Resist 5 poison
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
BasicMelee Bite (Standard; at-will) ♦ Poison
+12 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
BasicMelee Deadly Bite (Standard; encounter) ♦ Poison
+12 vs. AC; 3d10 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Salticidae Aspect
The salticid adult gains a +2 bonus to your speed when it jumps. This does not increase the distance it jumps, just the maximum distance it can jump.
Prodigious Leap
The salticid youngling can make all long jumps as if it had a running start.
Mighty Leap
The salticid youngling can jump 1 square further than its check result indicates.
Death Leaper
when the salticid adult makes a charge action, it can long jump instead of moving normally (with the same restrictions as a normal charge move, except that the move must be in a strait line, even if a feat, power or ability says otherwise).
Deadly Charge
When the salticid adult charges, it gains a +1d6 bonus to damage rolls. If it charges using its death leaper feat, it also knocks the target prone.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric
Skills Athletics +11 (+32 when jumping), Stealth +11
Feats Saltacidae Aspect, Prodigeous Leap, Mighty Leap, Death Leaper.
Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 13 (+4) Int 7 (+1) Cha 10 (+3)

Deathjump Spider
Level 16 Skirmisher
Medium Spiderkind Beast (Spider, Salticid)
XP 1400
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +18, Tremorsense 6
HP 43; Bloodied 21
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 15
Resist 10 poison
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
BasicMelee Bite (Standard; at-will) ♦ Poison
+21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
BasicMelee Deadly Bite (Standard; recharge D6 (5), D6 (6)) ♦ Poison
+21 vs. AC; 4d10 + 7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
BasicMelee Death Fang (Standard; encounter) ♦ Poison
+19 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is restrained (save ends both).
Salticidae Aspect
The deathjump spider gains a +2 bonus to your speed when it jump. This does not increase the distance it jumps, just the maximum distance it can jump.
Prodigious Leap
The deathjump spider can make all long jumps as if it had a running start.
Mighty Leap
The deathjump spider can jump 1 square further than its check result indicates.
Death Leaper
when the deathjump spider makes a charge action, it can long jump instead of moving normally (with the same restrictions as a normal charge move, except that the move must be in a strait line, even if a feat, power or ability says otherwise).
Deadly Charge
When the deathjump spider charges, it gains a +1d6 bonus to damage rolls. If it charges using its death leaper feat, it knocks the target prone.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric
Skills Athletics +18 (+37 when jumping), Stealth +20
Feats Saltacidae Aspect, Prodigeous Leap, Mighty Leap, Death Leaper.
Str 21 (+13) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 21 (+13)
Con 18 (+12) Int 12 (+9) Cha 15 (+10)

Death Leaper
Level 25 Skirmisher
Large Spiderkind Beast (Spider, Salticid)
XP 7000
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +24, Tremorsense 6
HP 230; Bloodied 115
AC 39; Fortitude 31, Reflex 33, Will 31
Resist 15 poison
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
BasicMelee Bite (Standard; at-will) ♦ Poison
+30 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
BasicMelee Deadly Bite (Standard; recharge D6 (5), D6 (6)) ♦ Poison
+30 vs. AC; 5d10 + 9 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
BasicMelee Death Fang (Standard; encounter) ♦ Poison
+28 vs. Fortitude; 5d10 + 7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is restrained (save ends both).
BasicMelee Toxic Fang (Standard; encounter) ♦ Poison
+28 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 damage, and the target takes ongoing 25 poison damage and is restrained (save ends both).
Salticidae Aspect
The death leaper gains a +2 bonus to your speed when it jump. This does not increase the distance it jumps, just the maximum distance it can jump.
Prodigious Leap
The death leaper can make all long jumps as if it had a running start.
Mighty Leap
The death leaper can jump 1 square further than its check result indicates.
Death Leaper
when the death leaper makes a charge action, it can long jump instead of moving normally (with the same restrictions as a normal charge move, except that the move must be in a strait line, even if a feat, power or ability says otherwise).
Deadly Charge
When the death leaper charges, it gains a +1d6 bonus to damage rolls. If it charges using its death leaper feat, it knocks the target prone.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Spydric
Skills Athletics +24 (+41 when jumping), Stealth +24
Feats Saltacidae Aspect, Prodigeous Leap, Mighty Leap, Death Leaper.
Str 25 (+19) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 25 (+19)
Con 22 (+18) Int 16 (+15) Cha 19 (+16)

Jumping Spider Tactics[]

A jumping spider often waits in ambush, but it usually actively hunts its prey. A jumping spider stalks its prey until it is close enough, it uses its death leaper ability to pounce on it's prey. When bloodied, it tries to escape with prodigeous leap and its other jumping abilities.

Jumping Spider Lore[]

A character knows the following information with a successful arachana or nature check.

DC 10 (arachana), DC 15 (nature): Jumping spiders are typically hunters. They have the ability to leap large distances, and they typically use this to pounce on their prey when they hunt. Jumping spiders are typically loners and are agressive against all others (including their own kind).
DC 15 (arachana), DC 20 (nature): Jumping spiders are among the most deadly of monstrous spiders. Though their venom cannot match that of the deadly black widow, they have deadly bites and it is difficult for their prey to escape, as they are very fast.
DC 20 (arachana), DC 25 (nature): Though jumping spiders are typically solitary, some are members of so-called "spider colonies". Such colonies cannot exist without guidance from a more intelligent being, such as an arachnomancer or demonspider.

Encounter Groups[]

Jumping spiders regard most creatures (even each other) as prey, though they may be found among other spiders or spiderkind.

Level 16 Encounter (XP 7000)[]

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