Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Frank and K
Date Created: 2006
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
Balance: Wizard

Heavenly Desserts {{#set:Type=General}} Summary::By gorging on the sweet flesh of angels, you have digested a portion of their divine essence. Prerequisites: Prerequisite::Character Level 10, Prerequisite::A Fest Unknown, Prerequisite::Must have eaten the flesh of an Angel, Prerequisite::Archon, Prerequisite::Eldarin or DevaBenefit: You gain the ability to cast one spell from the Half-Celestial template per day as a spell-like ability (limited by your HD on the Half-Celestial chart). In addition, all spells from the Gluttony Domain are considered spells known for you, you gain a +2 to Diplomacy checks, and you can choose to count as Good for the effects of spells or magic items.

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