Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Frank and K (talk)
Date Created: 2006
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
Balance: Wizard

Elusive Target [Combat]

You are very hard to hit when you want to be. {{#set:Summary=You are very hard to hit when you want to be. }}

Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: You gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC.
  • +1: Your opponents do not gain flanking or higher ground bonuses against you.
  • +6: Your opponents do not inflict extra damage from the Power Attack option.
  • +11: Diverting Defense - As an immediate action, you may redirect an attack against you to any creature in your threatened range, friend or foe. You may not redirect an attack to the creature making the attack.
  • +16: As an immediate action, you may make an attack that would normally hit you miss instead equal to his Dex Modifier.{{#set:Type=Combat}}{{#set:Prerequisite=None}}

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