Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Dungeons and Dragons Wiki

This is the general discussion page for the wiki! New founders should leave a nice welcome message and encourage new visitors and editors to leave a note to get the conversation started.


Hello all i am setting up a encounter for me and a friend and i cant use a encounter calculator to figure the ECL for two level tens help some one? I would also like some ideas for adventure that really puts us into insane dungeons. even with the weird combo of us being a drow and a troglodyte.

Can Tiefling horns heal?[]

If a Tiefling breaks a horn, e.g. during a fight, I suppose they must be able to regrow them. How long do you guys think that would take? If just the top is broken off, maybe a month? Three months?

Thx for helpful insights ;) 17:47, July 30, 2020 (UTC)

D&D 80s cartoon sandbox & game materials[]

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. I'm interested in adding all the materials I've created to make the 80s D&D cartoon Realm a game setting like Birthright, Spelljammer, the Known World Mystara, Ravenloft, etc. I'm a top contributor to the Facebook group, the largest fan base for the cartoon currently on the internet. I'm looking to pay someone to help me set this up as I've only ever slightly edited 2 wikipedia articles and don't know how to go about doing this. Serious inquiries only. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Contact info: Andrew Bator Email: bator_andrew@hotmail.com Subject: D&D 80s cartoon wiki Facebook/IM: Facebook.com/andrew.bator