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A drow using one of the hand crossbows for which their race is well-known.


Arrogant and perverse, the drow conspire to subjugate all who don’t revere their Spider Queen, the god Lolth.

Like their kin, the elves, drow were once creatures of the Feywild. However, they followed Lolth down a sinister path and now reside in the Underdark of the world. There they gather in settlements of macabre splendor, lit by luminescent flora and magic, and crawling with spiders.

The drow are feared and reviled throughout the Underdark and on the surface above, and for good reason. Drow are the most evil race in existence; they are cruel, devious and treacherous. The drow would do almost anything to gain more power.

The eternal game of advancement which the vast majority of the drow are embroiled in has transformed them into schemers and knifing backstabbers. This attitude is encouraged by the spider queen Lolth who enjoys the dark elves’ plotting.

Drow Adventurer[]

Drow Adventurer
Level 1 Skirmisher
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 100
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14
Speed 6
BasicMelee Rapier (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+6 Vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 poison damage.
BasicRanged Hand Crossbow (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 Vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 poison damage.
Melee Mobile Melee Attack (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
The drow adventurer can move up to 3 squares and make one melee basic attack at any point during that movement. It doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the target of it's attack.
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +4 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow adventurer's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Close Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow adventurer’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow adventurer. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow adventurer) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow adventurer can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech
Skills Dungeoneerig +6, Intimidate +5, Stealth +8
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

Drow Adventurer Tactics[]

The drow adventurer uses darkfire on an enemy, and uses its hand crossbow to assail an enemy from a distance, using mobile melee attack to retreat or move to a more advantageous position if its enemies close the distance.

Drow Arachnomancer[]

Drow Arachnomancer of the Lesser Spider
Level 3 Controller
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 150
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
HP 43; Bloodied 21
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 16
Speed 6
BasicMelee Dagger (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d4 + 5 poison damage.
BasicRanged Toxic Bolt (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison
Ranged 20; +7 vs Fortitude; 1d6 + 3 damage.
Area Deadly Swarm (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Summoning, Poison
Area burst 2 within 10; +5 vs Fortitude; 3d6 + 3 poison damage. This power creates a zone of spiders until the end of the drow arachnomancer's next turn. Any creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 5 poison damage.
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +7 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow arachnomancer's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Area Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow arachnomancer’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow arachnomancer. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow arahnomancer) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow arachnomancer can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric
Skills Arachana +9, Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Stealth +8
Str 14 (+3) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 11 (+1) Int 11 (+1) Cha 17 (+4)
Equipment Dagger, holy symbol, rod, staff or wand

Drow Arachnomancer of the Greater Spider
Level 24 Controller
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 6050
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +35; darkvision
HP 222; Bloodied 111
AC 38; Fortitude 36, Reflex 36, Will 38
Speed 6
BasicMelee Dagger (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+29 vs AC; 2d6 + 8 poison damage.
BasicRanged Toxic Bolt (Standard; At-Will) ♦ Poison
Ranged 20; +28 vs Fortitude; 2d6 + 8 poison damage.
Close Spydric Tide (Standard; Recharge D6 (6)) ♦ Poison, Summoning
Close blast 5; +27 vs AC; 4d8 + 8 poison damage.
Area Deadly Swarm (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison, Summoning
Area burst 2 within 10; +26 vs Fortitude; 4d8 + 8 poison damage. This power creates a zone of spiders until the end of the drow arachnomancer's next turn. Any creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 15 poison damage.
Area Web (Standard; Recharage D6 (5) D6 (6)) ♦ Necrotic
Area burst 2 within 10; +26 vs Reflex; 4d8 + 8 necrotic damage and the target is restrained until the start of the drow arachnomancer's next turn.
Ranged Spider's Fang (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison
Ranged 10; +28 vs Fortitude; 4d8 + 8 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +28 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow arachnomancer's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Area Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow arachnomancer’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow arachnomancer. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow arahnomancer) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow arachnomancer can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric
Skills Arachana +9, Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Stealth +8
Str 25 (+19) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 22 (+18)
Con 22 (+18) Int 22 (+18) Cha 28 (+21)
Equipment Dagger, holy symbol, rod, staff or wand

Drow Arachnomancer Tactics[]

The drow arachnomancer stays behind its enemies, using cloud of darkness to protect it from adversaries. It summons swarms of spiders to engulf multiple enemies, using toxic bolt once its powers are expended.

Drow Blademaster[]

Drow Blademaster
Level 4 Skirmisher
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 175
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 16
Speed 6
BasicMelee Longsword (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+9 vs AC; 1d8 + 6 poison damage.
Melee Whirling Riposte (free, when the blademaster’s movement draws an opportunity attack; at-will) ♦ Weapon
The drow blademaster makes a longsword attack against the triggering attacker.
Melee Blade Dance (Standard; Recharge D6 (5) D6 (6)) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+7 vs Reflex; 3d8 + 4 poison damage, and the drow blademaster can shift 3 squares before or after the attack.
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +7 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow blademaster's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Area Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow blademaster’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow blademaster. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow blademaster) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow blademaster can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech
Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Stealth +11
Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 12 (+3) Cha 15 (+4)
Equipment Leather armor, shield, longsword

Drow House Blademaster
Level 25 Skirmisher
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 2700
Initiative +23 Senses Perception +36; darkvision
HP 230; Bloodied 115
AC 39; Fortitude 37, Reflex 39, Will 37
Speed 6
BasicMelee Longsword (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+30 vs AC; 3d8 + 9 poison damage.
BasicRanged Hand Crossbow (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +30 vs AC; 3d8 + 9 poison damage.
Melee or Ranged Twin Strike (Standard; At-Will) ♦ Weapon
The drow blademaster makes two basic attacks.
Melee Whirling Riposte (free, when the blademaster’s movement draws an opportunity attack; at-will) ♦ Weapon
The drow blademaster makes a longsword attack against the triggering attacker.
Melee Blade Dance (Standard; Recharge D6 (5) D6 (6)) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+30 vs AC; 5d10 + 9 poison damage and the drow blademaster can shift 3 squares before or after the attack.
Melee Double Strike (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+30 vs. AC; 3d10 + 9 poison damage; two attacks.
Close Whirlwind Attack (Standard; Recharge D6 (4) D6 (5) D6 (6)) ♦ Weapon
Close burst 1; the drow blademaster makes a longsword attack against each adjacent enemy. He can make a secondary attack using his short sword against any enemy he hits.
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +28 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow blademaster's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Area Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow blademaster’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow blademaster. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow blademaster) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow blademaster can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep-Speech
Skills Acrobatics +26, Bluff +23, Intimidate +25, Stealth +28
Str 25 (+19) Dex 28 (+21) Wis 25 (+19)
Con 22 (+18) Int 22 (+18) Cha 22 (+18)

Drow Blademaster Tactics[]

The drow blademaster uses its mobility to outflank foes, using whirling riposte against enemies that ity passes. It uses cloud of darkness to strike foes from unexpected locations, and focusses on a single enemy if possible.

Drow Priestess[]

Drow Lesser Priestess
Level 5 Controller (leader)
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 200
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +10; darkvision
Lolth’s Authority aura sight; spiderkind allies in the aura gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
HP 60; Bloodied 30
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 19
Speed 6
BasicMelee Mace (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+10 vs AC; 1d6 + 4 poison damage.
BasicRanged Toxic Bolt (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison
Ranged 20; +10 vs AC; 1d6 + 4 poison damage.
Close Lolth's Fury (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison
Close burst 2; +7 vs Fortitude; 3d6 + 4 poison damage.
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +9 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow priestesses' next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Area Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow priestesses' next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow priestess. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow priestess) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow priestess can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep-Speech
Skills Arachana +11, Bluff +11, Intimidate +13, Religion +8, Stealth +11
Str 15 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) Int 12 (+3) Cha 18 (+6)
Equipment Chainmail, mace, holy symbol of Lolth

Drow High Priestess
Level 24 Controller (Leader)
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 6050
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +35; darkvision
Lolth’s Authority aura sight; spiderkind allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to damage rolls.
HP 222; Bloodied 111
AC 38; Fortitude 36, Reflex 36, Will 38
Speed 6
BasicMelee Mace (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+29 vs AC; 2d6 + 8 poison damage.
BasicRanged Toxic Bolt (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison
Ranged 20; +28 vs Fortitude; 2d6 + 8 poison damage.
Close Lolth's Fury (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison
Close burst 2; +26 vs Fortitude; 4d8 + 8 poison damage
Close Tide of Spiders (Standard; Recharge D6 (5) D6 (6)) ♦ Poison
Close blast 5; +26 vs Fortitude; 4d8 + 8 poison damage.
Area Pit of the Dark Horror (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison
Area burst 2 within 10; +26 vs Fortitude; 4d8 + 8 poison damage.
Ranged Darkfire (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +9 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow high priestesses' next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Area Cloud of Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow high priestesses' next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow high priestess. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow high priestess) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow high priestess can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep-Speech
Skills Arachana +26, Bluff +26, Intimidate +28, Religion +23, Stealth +26
Str 25 (+19) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 22 (+18)
Con 22 (+18) Int 22 (+18) Cha 28 (+21)
Equipment Chainmail, mace, holy symbol of Lolth

Drow Priestess Tactics[]

The drow priestess remains in the midst of several spiderkind allies, granting them the benefits of Lolth's Authority. She attacks aggressively, using Lolth's Fury to attack multiple foes at once, and flees under the cover of cloud of darkness, and several slaves if the battle turns against her.

Drow Warrior[]

Drow Spider Bound Warrior
Level 1 Soldier
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 100
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
Speed 6
BasicMelee Longsword (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d10 + 3 poison damage and the target is slowed until the end of the spider bound warrior's next turn.
Ranged Darkfire (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +4 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow spiderbound warrior's next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Close Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the spider bound warrior’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the spider bound warrior. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the spider bound warrior) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow spiderbound warrior can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Spiderbound Shield (Minor; Recharge D6 (5), D6 (6))
The warriors shield turn into a spiderling minion of his level which appears in an adjacent square. The warrior takes a -2 penalty to AC and Reflex. The minion can take a standard, move and minor action on its turn as normal, but it acts on the warriors initiative and must be directed. When the minion is destroyed, the shield returns to the warrior. This power cannot recharge while that warrior's spiderling minion is active.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech
Skills Dungeoneering +6, Intimidate +6, Stealth +7
Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Wis 13 (+1)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 12 (+1)

Spider Bound Warrior Tactics[]

The spider bound warrior faces its foes openly, using spiderbound shield to create a spider minion to aid it in battle or to flank as necessary. It uses lolthtouched powers to gain the upper hand in melee, fleeing under cover of cloud of darkness if necessary.


A typical House soldier, shown here atop a prized lizard mount.

Drow House Soldier
Level 21 Soldier
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 3200
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +31; darkvision
HP 196; Bloodied 98
AC 37; Fortitude 33, Reflex 35, Will 33
Speed 6
BasicMelee Short Sword (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+28 vs AC; 3d6 + 8 poison damage.
Melee Doublestrike (Standard; Recharge D6 (6)) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+26 vs Fortitude; 2d10 + 7 poison damage; two attacks. The drow warrior can shift three squares before or after each attack.
Melee Excruciating Stab (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+26 vs Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Melee Riposte (Immidiate Interrupt; when a melee attack misses the drow house soldier; Encounter) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+28 vs AC; 4d10 + 7 poison damage.
Ranged Darkfire (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +27 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow house soldier' next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Close Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow house soldier’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow house soldier. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow house soldier) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow house soldier can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech
Skills Dungeoneering +20, Bluff +21, Intimidate +23, Stealth +25
Str 23 (+16) Dex 26 (+18) Wis 20 (+15)
Con 20 (+15) Int 20 (+15) Cha 23 (+16)

Drow House Soldier Tactics[]

The spider bound warrior faces its foes openly, using lolthtouched powers to gain the upper hand in melee, fleeing under cover of cloud of darkness if necessary. It uses riposte to counterstrike against enemy attacks.

Drow Matriarch[]

Drow Matriarch
Level 30 Elite Controller (leader)
Medium spiderkind fey humanoid
XP 38000
Initiative +24 Senses Perception +42; darkvision
Lolth’s Authority aura sight; spiderkind allies in the aura gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls and a +6 bonus to damage rolls.
HP 546; Bloodied 276
AC 46; Fortitude 42, Reflex 44, Will 45
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1
BasicMelee Mace (Standard; At-will) ♦ Poison, Weapon
+35 vs AC; 2d8 + 10 poison damage.
BasicRanged Toxic Bolt (Minor; At-will) ♦ poison
Ranged 10/20; +34 vs Fortitude; 2d8 + 10 poison damage.
Close lolth's Fury (Standard; Recharge when first bloodied) ♦ Poison
Close burst 3; +32 vs Fortitude; 4d10 + 9 poison damage, and ongoing 15 poison damage (save ends).
Close Wave of Spiders (Standard; Recharge D6 (5) D6 (6)) ♦ Poison, Summoning
Close blast 5; +32 vs Fortitude; 4d10 + 9 poison damage.
Ranged Spider of the Great Web (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Poison, Summoning
Ranged 10; +34 vs Fortitude; 4d10 + 9 poison damage and the target is immobilized until the end of the drow matriarch's next turn, or until it passes a saving throw (whichever comes first). The drow matriarch summon a large sized spider from the great web in an unoccupied space within range, and the spider attacks one or two adjacent creatures. As a move action, the drow matriarch can move the spider to a new target within range. The spider remains until the end of the drow matriarch's next turn. The drow matriarch can sustain the spider as a minor action for another turn, and make the spider attack two adjacent targets as a standard action.
Ranged Darkfire (Standard; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Ranged 10; +34 vs Reflex; Until the end of the drow house soldier' next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Close Darkness (Minor; Encounter) ♦ Arachane, Lolthtouched
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of the drow house soldier’s next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except the drow house soldier. Any creature entirely within the cloud (except the drow house soldier) is blinded until it exits.
Once per encounter, the drow matriarch can use a single Lolthtouched power.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Elven, Deep Speech, Spydric
Skills Arachana +30, Bluff +30, Intimidate +32, Religion +27, Stealth +31
Str 28 (+24) Dex 28 (+24) Wis 25 (+22)
Con 25 (+22) Int 25 (+22) Cha 31 (+25)
Equipment Chainmail, mace, holy symbol of Lolth

Drow Matriarch Tactics[]

High Priestess by Francis Tsai

A Drow Priestess

The drow matriarch remains in the midst of several spiderkind allies, granting them the benefits of Lolth's Authority. She attacks aggressively, using Lolth's Fury to attack multiple foes at once, alongside toxic bolt, and flees under the cover of cloud of darkness, and several slaves if the battle turns against her. She summons a wave of spiders as regulaly as possible, sustaining a spider of the great web as long as possible.

Drow Lore[]

A character knows the following information about drow with a successful arachana or arcana check.

DC 15 (Arachana) DC 20 (Arcana): Drow raid the surface as well as other Underdark societies for plunder and slaves. They conquer the weak and form tenuous alliances with creatures powerful enough to stand against them.
DC 20 (Arachana) DC 25 (Arcana): Drow live in a matriarchal theocracy with rules and customs strictly enforced by the priests of Lolth. Male drow can’t serve as clergy and are often treated as secondclass citizens, but even they exercise power based on their station and the opportunities handed to them.

Encounter Groups[]

Drow patrols often include one or more trained spiders. Drow expeditions, raiding parties, and armies have large numbers of enslaved nondrow among them, as servants and soldiers. Drow also form alliances with devils and demons.

Level 5 Encounter (XP 1000)[]
  • 1 Lesser Drow Priestess (Level 5 Controller (Leader))
  • 1 Drow Arachnomancer of the Lesser Spider (Level 3 Controller)
  • 1 Drow Blademaster (Level 4 Skirmisher)
  • 2 Drow Spider Bound Warriors (Level 1 Soldier)
  • 2 Goblin Cutters (Level 1 Minion)
  • 2 Kobold Minion (Level 1 Minion)
  • 3 Human Rabble (Level 2 Minion)
  • 1 Hobgoblin Grunt (Level 3 Minion)
  • 1 Orc Drudge (Level 1 Minion)
Level 30 Encounter (XP 95000)[]
  • 1 Drow Matriarch (Level 30 Elite Controller (leader))
  • 1 Roc-Eating spider (Level 30 Brute)
  • 2 Drow House Soldiers (Level 21 Soldier)
  • 1 Drow House Blademaster (Level 25 Skirmisher)
  • 1 Drow Arachnomancer of the Greater Spider (Level 24 Controller)
  • 1 Widowmaker Spider (Level 26 Lurker)
  • 2 Theraphosa Beastling (Level 20 Brute)
  • 10 Grimlock Followers (Level 22 Minion)

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