Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Frank and K (talk)
Date Created: 2006
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only

Danger Sense [Combat]

Maybe Spiders tell you what's up. You certainly react to danger with uncanny effectiveness. {{#set:Summary=Maybe Spiders tell you what's up. You certainly react to danger with uncanny effectiveness. }}

Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: You get a +3 bonus on Initiative checks.
  • +1: For the purpose of Search, Spot, and Listen, you are always considered to be "actively searching". You also get Uncanny Dodge.
  • +6: You may take 10 on Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
  • +11: You may make a Sense Motive check (opposed by your opponent's Bluff check) immediately whenever any creature approaches within 60' of you with harmful intent. If you succeed, you know the location of the creature even if you cannot see it.
  • +16: You are never surprised and always act on the first round of any combat.{{#set:Type=Combat}}{{#set:Prerequisite=None}}

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