Dungeons and Dragons Wiki

Standard Creatures[]

To make a new page for you own Monster, simply replace "MyMonster" in the field below. Please leave the " (3.5e Monster)" identifier. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page with a template and instructions for adding your creation. If a monster already exists that uses the name you submit, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing creature. We highly recommend using the new stat block instead of the SRD-style stat block.


Because of the differences in formatting, primarily due to age categories, use the following field to create a page with templates designed specifically for dragons. Replace "MyDragon" in the field below, but leave the " Dragon (3.5e Monster)" identifier. After clicking the button, read over the instructions carefully on the Edit page you will be taken to.

Monster Templates[]

To make a new page for you own monster template, simply replace "MyTemplate" in the field below. Please leave the " (3.5e Template)" identifier. Then click the button and you'll be taken to an edit page for adding your creation. If a monster template already exists by the name you submit, you'll be taken to the Edit page for the existing template.

Note: If you are putting something on this site, and it is not your idea, you must have permission from the author. As you are responsible for maintaining it here, you will need to add yourself as the adopter of the article.

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